Here we see the Yaffee clan, circa 1977, at the bodacious affair that became known as the Grandest Bar Mitzvah the Yaffee's
and friends have ever seen. (Notice the ruffled shirts and wide lapels. Why oh why did we dress like that? How horrible. Well,
at least I wasnt wearing platform shoes.)
Here we see me (oh wow did I have long hair.
makes me weep now!), mom, my sister Jennifer, and my beloved grandmother Hannah Mann, who passed, ironically, almost 6 years
to the day after mom.
This picture, probably taken around 1925, shows
my grandmother Hannah probably around 15 or so (I'm guessing). I love this picture as it shows the woman I knew as my grandmother
as a young, impish, maybe a bit mischievous teenager (notice her smirk). Grandma Hanna was very important in my life and was
always there with love for me and my sister, her only two grandchildren. I know in her next life she looks just like she does
in this wonderful picture, beautiful and happy. Grandma, I love and miss you.
Above is a picture of my grandmother Molly Yaffee, in her teens, taken I assume sometime in
the 1920's. Though she passed away Jan, 2001, I will always remember my grandmother as loving, caring, and beautiful. This
picture is for you, grandma. I love you.
Ok, I'm wearing a Yamalcha (to those of you who arent Jewish, it's the gold beanie on my head!) so I'm assuming this pic was
taken at my grandparents' (Paul and Hannah) during Passover-the holiday of dry crackers and bland food and the whole angel
of death passing over the bloodstained doorways of ancient Egypt (read your bible!!). From l to r, Mom, Jennifer, Aunt Hilda
(Hanna's sister), and me. My Aunt Hilda was very special to me, having never married, she regarded me and my sister as her
grandchildren, her two loves in this sometimes lonely world. She was and still is greatly missed and thought of often in love.
Dad and sis looking OH SO PROFESSIONAL. Dad was in town for a meeting and he and Jen got together
for dinner (I'm guessing here since they are both dressed up. They look pretty good!
This pic was
taken in the early 90's with both Grandmothers, Hannah on my right, Molly on my left. I cherished the relationship I had with
my grandparents. They are since passed, but will forever remain alive and loving in my heart, and truly, truly missed. Love
ya Han! Love ya Mol!
This picture was taken Thanksgiving, 2000, at my Aunt Sheila and Uncle Sid's place in Houston, Tx. It was the last time I
saw my Grandmother Molly and I am so happy that I was able to spend that time with her before she died. From l to r, me, Grandma
Molly Yaffee (dad's mom), and sis Jennifer. Molly was always the eternal grandmother who did all those "grandmother things."
She passed painlessly and is in a better place now. I still say good night to her when I go to sleep.
This is another of those great black and white
nostolgic pictures that I just love. Most of these were rescued when Hannah Mann (mom's mom) died and she had literally drawers
full of pix. Well I took them and put a few on here. This one is of my grandfather Paul Mann standing with my mom, Susan,
taken sometime in the 50's outside their home. I love to look at pics like this one, pics that show where I come from, and
I have to tell you, anonymous reader, I come from good people.
Mom lounging on our deck in Wilmington, Delaware. This was one of her favorite
places to come to read, listen to music, or just relax beneath the blades of the fan above her on a warm summer day. I'll
always remember my mom like this, smiling, happy, comfortable.
This was taken Memorial Day weekend,
2001. Dad and Jennifer both came to Atlanta and we had a fabulous time. This is my family. My father and sister are the two
most important people in the world to me and I adore them. Even more now that Dad took my advice and gave up the "I wanna
look like Santa Claus" routine.
Heres mom Susan and sis Jennifer sitting at the kitchen table (Wilmington, i think??) shooting the shit. We had (have) a very
close knit immediate family. We were always there for each other with encouragement, faith, and undeniable love. (as a side
fact, bot Jen and mom are Leo's and Dad and myself are both Aires. Makes ya think.....
Above we see my cousin Sandi, who resided in sunny southern California (can't
you tell by the great tan?) What can I say about my cousin Sandi. She's more than family. She is a friend, and through the
miracle of technology, we keep in touch on a regular basis. I love ya, cuz!!! (Update: It pains me immenseley to say, but
Sandi passed away January 2nd at 145pm. She went peacefully and is in a better place now)
Here we see little Jennifer with a not much taller
me, posing like this, arm in arm PROBABLY because mom said to or else....There was a lot of sibling rivalry between me and
Jen, but in the long run, we are now best of friends.
This is a pic of my Grandmother Hannah, Grandfather Paul, my mom Susan, and my sister Jennifer on our deck at the 1st house
we lived in in Dunwoody, Ga., probably circa early 80's. I LOVE this picture, so wanted to include it here because everyone
is so happy in this shot. Makes me happy to look at it and remember. ("...those were the days my friends, we thought
they'd never end, we'd sing and dance forever and a day...")
This is a rare pic of my Mom taken sometime in
the 50's. Its amazing what a black and white picture does for nostolgia. I love this picture because it shows a surface innocence
with a hint of "spirit" not too far from that surface. Go get 'em, Mom! Just remember, you are a lady!
Here we see our hero (me) and sister Jennifer posing before going out to dinner.
If memory serves me, we went to a restaurant where I got really sick and never went back. Oh, the memories......!
Here we see our hero, at his faithful computer,
ready to defend the world from bad hair, satanic republicans, and feng shui....ready for a scrap!!! Bring it on, baby!!!
Molly and Louis at Stephen's Bar Mitzvah, 197??? |
Below are some pictures of my mother, Susan, at various stages in her
Below are some more assorted family pictures.
Here I am again, about 20 years later!!! |
Dad and Sis, Baton Rouge LA 2002 |
It was a
mercy killing.....
He had a
certain...naive charm...but
no spark!